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Welcome To Ner Shalom

Ner Shalom has been the home of the Jewish Community in Prince William Country for four generations. We are deeply connected with and committed to serving the people in Prince William County, Virginia, in the Greater D.C. area.  We host and participate in interfaith collaborations and social justice outreach, and actively support efforts on behalf of those who are most vulnerable.  We are joyful in our celebrations and grateful for our blessings. 

We hope to always be the Light of Peace, dedicated to the ideals of justice, kindness, and faith. All who feel a kinship with the Jewish Community are welcome here. 

Our synagogue is more than a building, school, or set of programs. Congregation Ner Shalom is its membership, pure and simple. Our members come from all over the world and represent every stream of Jewish thought and practice. With membership, we commit ourselves to a journey of discovery, where each of us, in our own way, deepens our connection to Judaism and ties to Israel. Some of us will discover greater Jewish meaning in Torah classes; some with new friends in a Jewish group; some from worship and singing; some through acts of Tikkun Olam. Join us and we'll help you discover your unique path.

Congregation Ner Shalom is more than a journey; it's a destination. The Hebrew term for synagogue is Bet Kneset - Home for Gathering. Some refer to a synagogue as a Bet Midrash - a Home of Study or a Bet Tefillah - a Home for prayer. By forging your own Jewish path with us, we can create a home together that honors all of the meaning and hope in our name.

Join us for Shabbat or an event that interests you to meet the members and the Rabbi. If you would like more information, we can send you a packet of information including a newsletter, calendar of upcoming events, schedule of services and school brochures.

Membership Renewal Time 

The Renewal Period has started. Please use the form below to renew your membership for the coming year. The renewal form will be available on the landing page until July 17th, 2024. Thereafter, you will find it linked on the membership page.


Renew for NEXT Year Now.

JULY 1, 2024 TO JUNE 30, 2025

Membership Renewal Form

NON-MEMBERS who are joining for the first time or are rejoining after 18 months of non-membership, please use the New Member Application form, which you will find on the Membership Page.  

MEMBERS: Please sign into your account before submitting this renewal form. If you are signed in,  when you enter your name in that first field, it should connect you to your account.  If your account is not connected, your submission will not be directly linked to your account, and will be treated by the ShulCloud Database as a non-member submission. 

Please also be sure and check your automatic billing settings with your bank, or that your recurring credit card charges have been updated, so that you are paying the correct recurring amount. If you have a building fund obligation, be certain that you are either including a second separate payment for your building fund, or including it in your monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual billing payments.  If you are making a specific regular contribution for any purpose, please be certain that purpose is noted on the check that is issued. Any payments submitted without a specified purpose are applied in the following order (1) membership dues; (2) building fund obligation; (3) general donations.

Congregation Ner Shalom
Membership Renewal Form
For Fiscal year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025



Please select the current fiscal year from the above pull down.

Notices of Annual Congregational Meeting and/or Special Congregational Meeting are posted on the Ner Shalom Website at and via the E-kibbitz electronic newsletter. Please select from above the choice if you would like to receive additional courtesy notifications for Congregational Meetings.

In accordance with the 2024-2025 Dues Schedule, my/our membership dues category for the current year is selected above.

I understand that if I am paying a discounted rate (that is anything lower than the full Regular membership fee of $2178.00) that does not release me from my obligations to meet any other membership obligations I may have to serve the congregation, including my contribution to the building fund, unless that obligation has also been waived due to my circumstances.

If I received a discounted rate due to financial circumstances in a prior year, I understand that it is my obligation to reapply for dues relief. Selecting that category means that I will receive an application for special category that must be granted by the committee - however, my request and/or grant for special category shall be confidential.

I also understand that if I resign my membership prior to the end of the year, that I remain obligated for the full dues for the current year unless by a vote of the CNS Board, I am formally relieved of that obligation.

Please select an option above.

I/we will remit the Dues and Building Fund payments in accordance with the above selected schedule. If payment is being made by check, I/we understand that I/we will not receive notices as to when to make payments, but will have my account paid in full according to the above selected schedule.

I/we wish to donate an additional sum in support of Ner Shalom by increasing our annual dues in the amount entered above. This amount will be remitted with our normal dues payment.

NOTE: No one will be turned away from membership for financial reasons. Members who feel they have unique or unusual financial hardships may contact the President or the Treasurer, who will be happy to work with you to reach an arrangement concerning dues (including payment plans and discounts) in a completely private manner.  We feel It is more important for you to be a part of our community as a member, and contribute what you can, than to not renew your membership at all. 


Payment & Rules Information

  1. I/we affirm that I am/ we were active current members in good standing on June 30, 2024. (Returning members are those who have been nonmembers for more than 18 months. If you are a Returning member who was not active at any time during 2023 or 2024 - please use the New Member Form.)
  2. I/we agree to pay such annual dues as may be fixed by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Congregation, to meet my/our obligations with respect to care for temple structures and grounds for which I/we have access through my/our support of the building fund, and to further support the congregation with my/our presence, talents, and time.

  3. As a member of Ner Shalom I/we shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the Congregation. 

Signature / Print Name

Signature / Print Name


Facing The Rise in Antisemitism

As you may have seen, heard, or felt, antisemitism has spiked again in this last month, as has Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism. Ner Shalom is here for any support we can provide, and in the case of housing or employment discrimination, please know that the Prince William County Human Rights Commission is also here for you.


We are The Light of Peace.

Congregation Ner Shalom’s purpose for the world is to repair the tears of the world (Tikkun Olam) by promoting Jewish and interfaith relations and advocacy for justice.

Congregation Ner Shalom’s purpose for the community is to create a spiritual home and family that welcomes people of various backgrounds, to advocate for justice, and to embrace interfaith collaboration.

Congregation Ner Shalom’s purpose for the individual is to support their home and family, to inculcate education and social awareness, and to practice and enrich their faith.

We host programs and activities for members of all ages.

We are dedicated to preserving the traditions of the past, and pledged to serving the spiritual, cultural, educational and social needs of our congregation and the community in the present.

We are committed to providing innovative and progressive ideas to meet the challenges of the future.

We are a diverse congregation, intentionally reaching out to all people and making a conscious effort to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome.

We welcome everyone who is interested in participating in the lively, vibrant world of Reform Judaism.

Judaism stresses community. Ner Shalom is your Jewish community, as well as your extended family in Prince William County, Virginia.

We STRIVE to build a community based on inclusiveness, where everyone is welcome, regardless of race, age, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, a Jew by birth or by choice, as well as those who are seeking religious identity, learning and experiences, life cycle rituals, and spiritual guidance. 



Joining Ner Shalom as a Member.

If you wish to be considered for membership at CNS, please use the NEW Membership Application form found on the website or call our offices for guidance. Members who are renewing should use the 2023 -2024 Membership Renewal Form.

HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS: Although the specter of global pandemic has receded, at Ner Shalom we are respectful of the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. We have air filters for our building and use outdoor spaces when practical. For the health and safety of all, we expect all who wish to share space with others to be fully vaccinated (with up to date boosters and Flu shots), to maintain social distance or wear masks when guided to do so, be particularly mindful of the need to care for others, and wash hands regularly as a precaution. Doing so fulfills the mitzvah of pekuach nefesh (preserving life).

May the Holy One keep us all safe, healthy, and united as a community.

Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784