August Book Club
08/06/2024 05:15:04 PM
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This month's meeting is pushed back a week due to scheduling conflicts! We will meet the first Wednesday of September at 10:30 on Zoom to discuss The Genizah of the House of Shepher.
Tamar Yellin is an articulate, intelligent, and passionate defender of the value and...Read more...
Book Club: July
07/04/2024 11:34:55 AM
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Join us the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 on Zoom to discuss our next Book Club pick. This month we are reading The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.
Book Club: June
06/16/2024 12:09:23 PM
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Our Book Club meetings are back to the last Wednesday of the month! Still on zoom at 10:30. Our pick this month is Operation Bethlehem by Yariv Inbar.
"A traumatic anti-Semitic attack during his...
Adult Ed: The Torah of Social Media
06/16/2024 10:12:42 AM
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Continuing from our conversations the last two weeks, we will look at ways Social Media can be used for good and for bad in Jewish communal settings.
Relevant excerpt from a contemporary study/commentary on the Book of Kings
The Ethics of Social Media by Rabbi Marina Yergin
What to Memes Tells Us About Jewish Identity?
Miriam Anzovin is the Talmud Master of the 21st Century
Read more...Adult Ed: The Torah of Social Media
05/30/2024 12:22:35 PM
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As we have been doing all year, we begin this round of Adult Ed with the text study from Project Zug by Hadar. This text study is a bit longer than some of the others, so it will take at least two full classes. It focuses mostly on the topic of Lashon Hara, "evil speech" or gossip, and extrapolates out from there to discuss how we use social media.
After we finish using the Hadar materials, we will disucss our own approaches to social...Read more...
Book Club: May
05/30/2024 11:10:09 AM
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On the first Thursday of June, we will meet at 10:30 am via Zoom to discuss May's reading: On Her Own by Lihi Lapid.
Watching her Russian immigrant mother, Irina, struggle to put food on the table, Nina, a beautiful and restless teenager, vows her life will be different. When a strapping...Read more...
Adult Ed: Visiting the Sick
04/14/2024 11:34:30 AM
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For our second class of this unit, we begin with an additional source sheet, which offers more perspectives from the ancient rabbis beyond the text in our Hadar book we looked at last week. We continue the conversation of how this mitzvah came to be and how we continue to honor it as Jews today.
Read more...Adult Ed: Visiting the Sick
04/05/2024 08:36:29 AM
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On April 7th, we will look at Rabbi Avital Hochstein's Talmudic Exploration of the mitzvah of visiting the sick.
On April 14th, we will segue the conversation to how this mitzvah has looked in practice over the centuries.
On April 21st, we will discuss the possibility and set parameters for a Bikur Cholim committee at Ner Shalom!
Book Club: April
04/03/2024 02:39:47 PM
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We will meet on May 2nd at 10:30 am via Zoom to discuss As Close to Us As Breathing by Elizabeth Poliner.

In 1948, a small stretch of the Woodmont, Connecticut shoreline, affectionately named "Bagel Beach," has long been a summer destination for Jewish families. Here sisters Ada, Vivie, and Bec assemble at their beloved family cottage, with children in tow and weekend-only husbands who arrive each Friday in time for the Sabbath meal.
Adult Ed: Torah of Music
02/28/2024 09:11:49 AM
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After discussing music as prophecy from the Hadar materials, we moved on to discussing the range of Jewish music, what makes music Jewish or Spiritual, and what our Torah songs are. Playlists reflective of our class can be found on YouTube or Spotify.
Our final session will be in person so that we can SING!
Read more...Book Club: March
02/28/2024 09:09:29 AM
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Join us the last Thursday of each month at 10:30 on zoom to participate in our Book Club!
This month we are reading The Muralist by B. S. Shapiro.
When Alizée Benoit, an American painter working for the Works Progress Administration (WPA), vanishes in New York City in 1940, no one...Read more...
Adult Ed: The Torah of Music
02/03/2024 02:28:29 PM
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We will begin this course by discussion Joey Weisenberg's Source Sheet and discussion questions from Hadar's Project Zug.
In later weeks, we will also be sharing our own favorite Jewish music or other songs that make our souls rise. The last session of our class will be in person, to sing together synchronously.
Read more...Book Club: February
02/03/2024 02:23:55 PM
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Our next Book Club Meeting will be February 22nd at 10:30 AM via Zoom. We will be discussing Rachel Maddow's Prequel.
Book Club: January
01/03/2024 09:21:15 AM
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TIME Magazine・NPR・Library Journal・The Globe and Mail・Lilith...
Intro to Judaism
01/03/2024 09:12:03 AM
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Rabbi Lizz will be leading an Intro to Judaism course, intended for those looking into conversion but also open to those simply interested in brushing up on their basics. If you have already taken an Intro to Judaism class with Rabbi Lizz, you have taken this intro to Judaism class.
We will meet via Zoom at 7 pm on Thursdays for 8 weeks, through January and February. The course is based loosely on the Union for Reform Judaism's intro...Read more...
December Book Club
12/03/2023 02:28:44 PM
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Book Club: November
10/30/2023 11:00:11 AM
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Adult Ed: Power and Money
10/22/2023 08:56:01 AM
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For the fourth session of this course, we are looking at the emergence of Reform Jewish political action.
Timeline of Reform Judaism (note: the Religious Action Center is founded in 1961)
A More Sociologically-Oriented History/Timeline
Why Advocacy is Central to Reform Judaism
Seeking "The Jewish Vote" goes back to 1868
A Critique of Reform Judaism's Political Involvement
About the...
Adult Ed: Money and Power
10/13/2023 03:46:58 PM
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For our third session on this topic, we will look at some history and sources for Jewish involvement in state politics, and how/why Jews care about democracy and political power.
Timeline of Jews in America
Intro to the book Jewish Power by J.J. Goldberg
Contemporary Jewish Politicians
Judaism and Democracy Source Sheet
a sort of confusingly structured source sheet on The Evolving Relationship Between...Read more...
Adult Ed: Money and Power
10/04/2023 03:19:08 PM
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For our first of five sessions on the topic of Money and Power, we used the source sheets and questions from Rabbi Avi Strausberg's guided lesson in the Project Zug booklet from Hadar. We navigated questions on power and accountability, and on how to separate a person's deeds from their work (can a bigot write good books, can a lascivious man be a good rabbi or president, can we learn something useful from someone we don't...Read more...
Book Club: October
10/04/2023 03:15:09 PM
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On October 25 at 12pm, we will meet on Zoom to discuss our next pick for Book Club: The Rabbi Who Prayed with Fire by Rachel Sherona Lewis.
Congregation Beth Abraham expected their newest rabbi to "sing some songs and go to an environmental rally." But Vivian Green has other...Read more...
Book Club: September
09/10/2023 10:49:19 AM
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A kaleidoscopic portrait of one family’s...
Book Club: August
07/26/2023 11:46:47 AM
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We will be discussing How to Make a Life by Florence Reisse Kraut via Zoom on August 30th at 10:30 AM.
When Ida and her daughter Bessie flee a catastrophic pogrom in Ukraine for America in 1905, they believe their emigration will ensure that their children...Read more...
Book Club: July
07/19/2023 07:26:57 PM
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We will be discussing Last Summer at the Golden Hotel by Elyssa Friedland.
The story revolves around a hotel in the Catskills and the two multigenerational families who own the once popular but now fading summer resort. Long buried secrets, intergenerational tensions emerge as a sell out...Read more...
Adult Ed: Messianism
05/31/2023 01:51:31 PM
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Join us Saturday, June 3rd, after Shacharit as we open up the conversation on Jewish views of the Messiah.
Sundays, June 11th and 18th, will be taught by a special guest teacher with expertise on this subject.
Some pre-readings on the subject:
Jewish Virtual Library's brief explanation of historical views about the Messiah
My Jewish Learning's selection of verses and quotes specifically about the Messiah...Read more...
Book Club: June
05/31/2023 01:31:12 PM
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Join us on Zoom at 10:30 the last Wednesday of every month. This month we are reading and discussing our next Book Club choice, The Thread Collectors by Shaunna Edwards and Alyson Richman.
Book Club: May
04/28/2023 10:09:25 AM
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A startling and profound exploration of how Jewish history is exploited to comfort the living. Renowned and...Read more...
Book Club: April
03/29/2023 11:29:52 AM
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On April 26th at 10:30 via Zoom we will meet to discuss The Ritual Bath by Faye Kellerman.
"Detective Peter Decker of the LAPD is stunned when he gets the report....Read more...
Adult Ed: Sexual Ethics
03/15/2023 12:32:40 PM
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Adult Ed: Sexual Ethics
03/08/2023 12:56:04 PM
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This month, we are studying Jewish sexual ethics through a Reform Lens. Using the book Sacred Encounter: Jewish Perspectives on Sexuality by the CCAR Press, and it's study guide (though in an abbreviated form), we are looking at the issues of Marriage, LGBTQIA inclusion, Healthy Relationships, Modesty in the Modern World, and Sexual Desire.
While folks are certainly welcomed to try to read along with me, Sacred Encounter is a bit dry...Read more...
Sun, February 16 2025
18 Shevat 5785
Upcoming Events
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025
Sunday, Feb 16th 1:00p to 2:00p
This is a course for Jewish people over 18 who wish to have a B' Mitzvah service and celebration. Whether you converted to Judaism, weren't raised in a shul, were raised in a shul that didn't allow your gender to have such a service, or even if you had one at 13 and are ready for a do-over, you are welcome in this class. You will learn or relearn some staples of Jewish liturgy, Torah, hone D'var Torah writing and service-leading skills, and generally have a space to ask whatever questions about Judaism you have felt haven't been answered adequately for you up to this point (I can't promise to have a more adequate answer, but let's talk about it!). We will collectively discuss dates and services for class members to lead and celebrate their becoming a Bar/Bat/MiBeit Mitzvah. Classes will meet in person. If you are interested and cannot attend a class, please let Rabbi Lizz know. -
Monday ,
FebFebruary 17 , 2025
Monday, Feb 17th 7:00p to 8:00p
A weekly discussion of Parashat HaShavua. Via Zoom. Reach out if you need the zoom info. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025
Friday, Feb 21st 7:30p to 8:30p
Erev Shabbat Services most Friday nights at 7:30 in the sanctuary -
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 23 , 2025
Sunday, Feb 23rd 9:30a to 12:00p
Judaics and Hebrew for grades K-7. -
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 23 , 2025
Sunday, Feb 23rd 1:00p to 2:00p
This is a course for Jewish people over 18 who wish to have a B' Mitzvah service and celebration. Whether you converted to Judaism, weren't raised in a shul, were raised in a shul that didn't allow your gender to have such a service, or even if you had one at 13 and are ready for a do-over, you are welcome in this class. You will learn or relearn some staples of Jewish liturgy, Torah, hone D'var Torah writing and service-leading skills, and generally have a space to ask whatever questions about Judaism you have felt haven't been answered adequately for you up to this point (I can't promise to have a more adequate answer, but let's talk about it!). We will collectively discuss dates and services for class members to lead and celebrate their becoming a Bar/Bat/MiBeit Mitzvah. Classes will meet in person. If you are interested and cannot attend a class, please let Rabbi Lizz know. -
Monday ,
FebFebruary 24 , 2025
Monday, Feb 24th 7:00p to 8:00p
A weekly discussion of Parashat HaShavua. Via Zoom. Reach out if you need the zoom info. -
Saturday ,
MarMarch 1 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 1st 10:00a to 11:00a
10-10:30 informal singing, learning new tunes 10:30-11:30 Shacharit -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025
Sunday, Mar 2nd 9:30a to 12:00p
Judaics and Hebrew for grades K-7. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025
Sunday, Mar 2nd 1:00p to 2:00p
This is a course for Jewish people over 18 who wish to have a B' Mitzvah service and celebration. Whether you converted to Judaism, weren't raised in a shul, were raised in a shul that didn't allow your gender to have such a service, or even if you had one at 13 and are ready for a do-over, you are welcome in this class. You will learn or relearn some staples of Jewish liturgy, Torah, hone D'var Torah writing and service-leading skills, and generally have a space to ask whatever questions about Judaism you have felt haven't been answered adequately for you up to this point (I can't promise to have a more adequate answer, but let's talk about it!). We will collectively discuss dates and services for class members to lead and celebrate their becoming a Bar/Bat/MiBeit Mitzvah. Classes will meet in person. If you are interested and cannot attend a class, please let Rabbi Lizz know. -
Monday ,
MarMarch 3 , 2025
Monday, Mar 3rd 7:00p to 8:00p
A weekly discussion of Parashat HaShavua. Via Zoom. Reach out if you need the zoom info.
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Ner Shalom in the News
- Washington Jewish Week - September 7, 2023
Year of the Seder!
- Washington Jewish Week - May 20, 2021
CNS Opens First Jewish Preschool in PWC
-Washington Jewish Week - June 30, 2020
CNS Branded Masks Save Lives
- Prince WIlliam Living - September 20, 2019
Annual Patriot Day Shabbat
- Prince William Living - March 20, 2019
- Learning About Jewish Traditions
- Prince William Living - March 18, 2019
- Building an Inclusive & Vibrant Community
- Prince William Living - November 20, 2018
- Coming Together After a National Tragedy
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14010 Spriggs Road
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Mailing Address:
Congregation Ner Shalom
P.O. Box 2085
Woodbridge, VA 22195-2085
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